Williamstown, Massachusetts Military Honor Roll
Margaret Yule Smith Hockridge
The Honor Roll-From Above
The Honor Roll-From Below
James and William Smith
Closeup of Smith Names
Photos of the Park across from the Williams Inn
Wedding Photo: Marriage of William Smith and Margaret Yule
The Smith Family
More Smith Photos
Margaret Yule Smith Hockridge
Bob, Ina and Isabel Smith
Contact Me

Here are some photos of my Mom,
starting with the most recent
one that I have of her.


Mom at Arnold Lab

Peggy working in Lab at
Arnold Print Works in
North Adams, Massachusetts
before she was married.
John worked there as a

At Betourney Wedding

Just the Hockridges at the Betourney wedding---
Cherry Point North Carolina Marine Corps Depot
August 31, 1963

Peggy 1938

Peggy Smith

New Years Eve.jpg

W. John Hockridge and his wife,
Margaret Yule Smith, ushering in
1942. Dad was on the North Adams
City Council at the time. I'm in
the photo too, but not yet visible!
I was born in June of that year.